Introduction: Repetitive wheezing in children today is an important problem. It is important to identify preventable risk factors in children with recurrent wheezing complaints. Asking for risk factors and making suggestions can prevent both recurrent admission and persistent bronchial damage. The present research was conducted to evaluate the risk factors of recurrent wheezing in children. Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed with 50 children with recurrent wheezing. Previous medical history and sociodemographic features of children were searched. Results: The 60%(n=30) of participants were male , %40 (n=20) were female. The mean age and birth weight of children were calculated 49.1 ± 48 months and 3227.2 ± 680.6 gr respectively. Children with recurrent wheezing had significantly diverse ratios in terms of the type of delivery (p=0,007), breast feding (p<0.001), vaccinations (p<0.001), atopic dermatitis (p<0.001), child care (p=0.003), natal and postnatal maternal smoking (p<0.001, p=0.007), asthma history of the parents and siblings (p<0.001), rural-urban settlement (p=0.021), and moisture and warming shape of family house (p=0.002).
Conclusion:Recurrent wheezing is an important health problem in childhood. Sociodemographic, environmental preventive approaches must be considered in the treatment modalities of patients.