There are many vulnerable areas around the sphenoid sinus, such as the optic nerve and internal carotid artery. Therefore, there is a need for particular care in surgery on the sphenoid sinus, especially with regard to internal carotid artery injury, which can result in fatal bleeding. Normally, the internal carotid artery in proximity to the sphenoid sinus is covered by bone. In rare cases, the artery canal is thinned or lost due to individual anatomical differences or disease, and this may result in accidental injury to the artery. Here, we report a case of meningocele with a risk of internal carotid artery injury. The patient was a 45-year-old man who had experienced occipital pain since childhood. Meningocele was suspected on CT and MRI, which showed a cystic lesion with bone deficiency in the lateral wall of the left sphenoid sinus, contiguous with the middle cranial fossa. Surgery 日 鼻 誌 61 (2) :256~261, 2022