RESUMO.-[Doença do Verme do Coração (Dirofilaria immitis) em gato-do-mato-pequeno (Leopardus tigrinus) no Brasil.]A doença do verme do coração é causada pelo nematódeo intravascular Dirofilaria immitis, um patógeno de importância em Saúde Pública geralmente associado a cães e gatos domésticos e, em menor extensão, a outras espécies de mamíferos. O gato-do-matopequeno (Leopardus tigrinus) é uma espécie ameaçada de felídeo neotropical que ocorre naturalmente no Brasil. immitis infection and associated disease in L. tigrinus, also suggesting that the oncilla acted as a definitive host for this parasite. The present findings confirmed D. immitis as a pathogenic agent for this felid species, thus supporting the recommendation for the inclusion of diagnostic testing for this pathogen in routine health screening procedures for captive and free-ranging oncillas in Brazil, especially in those localities where climate conditions support the occurrence of the parasite. Potential reservoirs as oncillas are established beyond the reach of veterinary care, thus representing a continuing risk for domestic animals and humans acquiring heartworm infection. We encourage further serologic and molecular studies aiming to establish D. immitis prevalences in L. tigrinus and other wild carnivores in the region of Ubatuba, as well as ecological and veterinary studies to access the role of this pathogen for the survival of this threatened felid species.