Colonic lipomas are relatively rare benign tumors which are composed of mature fat cells and occur most frequently in the large intestine. The occurrence of colonic lipomas in the transverse colon is relatively uncommon. Generally, colonic lipomas are asymptomatic, and many individuals might not experience any noticeable symptoms. Therefore, they are usually discovered incidentally during colonoscopy or as a result of diagnostic imaging prescribed for other reasons. The size and location of the lipoma could influence the clinical presentation. If symptoms occur, they include abdominal pain, changes in bowel habits, or gastrointestinal bleeding. The prognosis for colonic lipomas is generally excellent but it requires an individualized approach based on the specific characteristics of the tumor, the patient’s symptoms, and other clinical considerations. We report a case of a colonic intussusception caused by a colonic lipoma in an adult who underwent surgery, with an uneventful recovery.