Introduction: Mastocytosis is a rare disorder occurring due to neoplastic clonal proliferation of mast cells accumulating in one or more organ systems. Systemic mastocytosis is generally diagnosed after the second decade of life, reported male-to-female ratios range from 1:1 to 1:1.5. Case description : A 54-year-old woman came complaining weakness and diarrhea for the last 2 months. Symptoms are watery stools for 2-4 times a day and nausea. Physical examination found that the body temperature was 37.60C, tachycardia, increased bowel sounds, and tenderness on stomach. An endoscopic examination was performed with results: transverse colon appears with polyps with a size of 3 mm, with a mosaic pattern of mucosa. The mucosa of the ascending colon and caecum also appears to be a mosaic pattern. Biopsy was sent for histopathological examination. Morphological features show significant increase of eosinophils & mast cells, differentially diagnosed with Mastocytosis colitis, Eosinophilic colitis, systemic mastocytosis with GI involvement. Methodology : Descriptive study of the case report type, data were obtained from the patient's record. Discussion and Conclusion : To rule out the differential diagnosis, an immunohistochemical examination and clinical correlation were performed. On histopathological examination, microscopic features showed the proliferation of mast cells in the aggregate only in the colon, without any other systemic manifestations, an increase in the number of mast cells >20/HPF was found in the colonic mucosa. The staining of CD117 on cells in the superficial (1/3 top) of the lamina propria suspected of being a mastocyte, supporting mastocytosis colitis.