After tail and limb amputation in lizard, injection of 5BrdU for 6 days produces immunolabelled cells in most tissues of tail and limb stumps. After further 8 and 16 days, and 14 and 22 days of regeneration, numerous 5BrdU-labelled cells are detected in regenerating tail and limb, derived from most stump tissues. In tail blastema cone at 14 days, sparse-labelled cells remain in proximal dermis, muscles, cartilaginous tube and external layers of wound epidermis but are numerous in the blastema. In apical regions at 22 days of regeneration, labelled mesenchymal cells are sparse, while the apical wound epidermis contains numerous labelled cells in suprabasal and external layers, indicating cell accumulation from more proximal epidermis. Cell proliferation dilutes the label, and keratinocytes take 8 days to migrate into corneous layers. In healing limbs, labelled cells remain sparse from 14 to 22 days of regeneration in wound epidermis and repairing tissues and little labelling dilution occurs indicating low cell proliferation for local tissue repair but not distal growth. Labelled cells are present in epidermis, intermuscle and peri-nerve connectives, bone periosteum, cartilaginous callus and sparse fibroblasts, leading to the formation of a scarring outgrowth. Resident stem cells and dedifferentiation occur when stump tissues are damaged. K E Y W O R D S 5BrdU immunolabelling, blastema origin, limb, lizard, regeneration, tail