enrolled (four patients completed) has been conducted. 9 According to the results demonstrated by these authors secukinumab may bring rapid decline in disease severity, considerable reduction of inflammatory lesions and substantial improvement of quality of life in majority of treated patients. None of the patients included in the above mentioned studies reported any serious adverse effects of this therapy. The existing evidence suggests that secukinumab administration may constitute an additional treatment approach for patients who failed to respond to antibiotics. It paves the way not only for secukinumab, but also for other IL-17 inhibitors, including brodalumab and bimekizumab, to be an effective nonsurgical approach. However, in order to establish IL-17 inhibitors as a key treatment in moderateto-severe inflammatory HS patients, further investigation in long-term studies to obtain conclusive evidence for their usefulness, efficacy and safety is needed. Thus, several clinical trials with biologics targeting IL-17 are being investigated, including not only secukinumab, but also brodalumab and bimekizumab (Table 2).