Aneurysms of the ophthalmic segment of the internal carotid artery (ICA) have traditionally been considered complex, due to the peculiarities of their anatomy, difficult accessibility for open surgery and the risk of deterioration of visual functions. The high variability of the location of carotid-ophthalmic (paraclinoid) aneurysms is the main reason for the lack of a generally recognized clinical and anatomical classification of aneurysms of this localization. In turn, the lack of anatomical unification limits the communication between specialists involved in the diagnosis and treatment of such patients, as well as complicates the comparative analysis of clinical data and the results of microsurgical and intravascular operations. The proposed generalized classification scheme of aneurysms of the ophthalmic segment of the ICA can be used to systematize clinical material, study surgical algorithms in detail and develop optimal treatment tactics for patients with paraclinoid aneurysms.