Rectum ulcer is a disease of the digestive system, the main symptoms of which includes bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, hematochezia, etc. At present, drug therapy and surgery are the most common treatments. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) contains high concentrations of platelets and has been used to promote wound healing. However, the utilization of PRP in rectal ulcers has rarely been reported.
Patient concerns:
The patient had reported a complaint of blood dripping from the stool for more than 4 months. She had a history of surgery for rectal cancer with postoperative chemotherapy and radiotherapy 19 years prior. Mesalazine suppository was given to her for about 4 months, and glutamine capsules for 2 months, but the rectal ulcer remained unhealed.
A rectal ulcer was observed on colonoscopy, and the biopsy result was tubular adenoma.
Autologous PRP treatment was performed for the patient under an anorectal scope together with basic supportive care.
The ulcer nearly healed within 9 days after twice PRP treatments.
PRP treatment may bring about novel treatment options for rectal ulcers.