Schwannomas or neurilemmomas are well-encapsulated, benign, solitary, and slow-growing tumors that originate from Schwann cells of the nerve sheath. Extracranial schwannoma is reported to have a relatively high incidence in the tongue while an extremely low incidence in the floor of mouth. In the current study, we presented the first case series of hypoglossal nerve-derived schwannoma in the floor of mouth in Asia.
A retrospective study of 9 surgical cases of hypoglossal nerve-derived schwannoma in the floor of mouth was performed. The patient and tumor characteristics were evaluated by physical, radiological and pathological examination. Details of operation and complications were also recorded.
Hypoglossal nerve-derived schwannoma in the floor of mouth showed a well-defined boundary with a firm texture, smooth surface and good mobility on palpation. The median maximum diameter of the tumors was 4.3 cm (range 2.8–7.0 cm). The median operative time and bleeding volumes were 89.4 min (range 47–180 min) and 99.2 mL (range 15–200 mL), respectively. All cases received complete surgical excision.
In this study, we presented the diagnosis and management of hypoglossal nerve-derived schwannoma in the floor of mouth for the first time in Asia. The study provided us with a recommendation for consideration of the diagnosis of hypoglossal schwannoma when a patient presents with a mass in the floor of mouth.