The article presents a review of the literature with a description of typical manifestations in the maxillofacial area in secondary, tertiary period of syphilis and the description of photo-images of the authors' clinical observations. In the secondary period of syphilis rashes can be found both on the skin and mucous membranes. In secondary reccurent syphilis the oral cavity is affected in 56% of the cases. Typical manifestations of this period are: roseola, papular and pustular syphilides. In the mouth the most frequently observed manifestation is popular syphilide or erythematous sore throat. The syphilitic papule of the mucous membrane of the mouth is flat, sharply demarcated, gets frequently eroded due to maceration or trauma. This papule is highly contagious element. Pustular syphilides are found mostly on the face and are a manifestation of a malignant course of the disease. Tertiary syphilis is a rare form of infection, which is observed as destructive injuries of organs and systems. The most frequent localization of gummy syphilide is the head. This article is highly revalent due to the high frequency of infection manifestation in maxillo-facial area, oral mucosa, and the high contagiousness symptoms, also affecting children.