Abstract. Aim: The aim was to present jaundice as the first and most remarkable presenting symptom of this extraordinary thyrotoxic crisis (TTC) case. Due to an unusual clinical presentation this case was a diagnostic dilemma and therapeutic challenge. Case report: A 34-year-old male was admitted to the Emergency Department due to fatigue, diarrhea, jaundice and subjective feeling of increased heart rate. Patient had previous history of hyperthyroidism and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF), but he wasn't taking any medication. ECG revealed AF with rapid ventricular response and left ventricular hypertrophy. Laboratory findings spoke in favor of hepatocellular jaundice. Consequently, the patient was hospitalized at the Department of Gastroenterology. Subsequently arrived thyroid function test confirmed the presence of thyrotoxicosis. Thiamazole, bisoprolol, methylprednisolone, enoxaparin and metildigoxin were introduced into therapy. In further course of hospitalization patient was transferred to the Department of Cardiovascular Diseases due to development of global heart failure. The heart failure therapy was introduced. Significant clinical improvement was achieved and the patient was transferred to the Department of Endocrinology. The parameters of the liver function were improving. Doses of thiamazole were gradually decreasing during hospitalization and thyroid hormones were brought to normal values. Conclusions: TTC is extremely rare in clinical practice, but may occur in cases of unrecognized or inadequately treated hyperthyroidism. If left untreated, results with lethal outcome in 80-90% of the cases, but even if treated mortality rate exceeds 20%. Therefore, early recognition and treatment are of the utmost importance.Key words: emergency; hyperthyroidism; jaundice; thyrotoxic crisis Sažetak. Cilj: Prikazati nesvakidašnji slučaj tireotoksične krize (TTK) čiji je prvi i najupečatljiviji klinički simptom bio ikterus. Zbog neobične kliničke prezentacije ovaj slučaj bio je dijagnostički i terapijski izazov. Prikaz slučaja: 34-godišnji pacijent primljen je zbog malaksalosti, dijareje, ikterusa i osjećaja ubrzanog rada srca. Pacijent od ranije boluje od hipertireoze i paroksizmalne fibrilacije atrija (FA), no kroničnu terapiju ne uzima. Snimljen je EKG i utvrđena je fibrilacija atrija s brzim odgovorom klijetki te hipertrofija lijeve klijetke. U laboratorijskim nalazima bio je prisutan obrazac hepatocelularnog ikterusa. Posljedično se pacijenta hospitalizira na Zavodu za gastroenterologiju. Novopridošli nalaz hormona štitnjače potvrdio je tireotoksikozu. U terapiju se uvode tiamazol, bisoprolol, metilprednizolon, enoksaparin te metildigoksin. Zbog pogoršanja općeg stanja i razvoja globalnog srčanog zatajivanja (SZ) pacijenta se premješta na Zavod za kardiovaskularne bolesti. Primjenom standardne terapije SZ-a postignuto je značajno kliničko poboljšanje. Pacijenta se premješta na Zavod za endokrinologiju u svrhu nastavka liječenja. Parametri jetrene funkcije su u poboljšanju. Doza tireostatika postepeno se sma...