A systematic search of dust structure in the far infrared (100 µm and 60 µm) IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite) survey was performed using Sky View Observatory. In order to find the possible candidate, we used SIMBAD database to locate discrete sources in the region. A deep cavity-like isolated far infrared dust structure (size ~ 4.46 pc × 2.23 pc) at galactic longitude: 284.360 o , galactic latitude: -9.549 o was found at the distance of about 375 pc. We have studied the flux density variation and then calculated temperature and mass profile of the dust and excess mass using data reduction software ALADIN 7.5 within this region. The dust color temperature was found to lie in the range 23.40 K to 29.28 K. An offset temperature of about 6.0 K was found. The total mass of the dust structure was found to be about 2.55×10 27 kg and the excess mass per pixel was 2.52×10 24 kg. We also studied the rate of mass loading around the structure. The energy of the pulsar required to create that inhomogeneity in the structure was calculated to be 5.04×10 36 J. Possible explanations of results will be presented.