ABSTRACT:-Background:-Majorityof skin diseases are not life threatening, but the psychological effects of relativelyminor skin abnormalities can often cause more distress to the patients than other more serious medical disorders. As medical knowledge expands, family physicians face an ever-increasing challenge in diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders.Objectives:To assess knowledge, attitudes and practice (KAP) among primary health care providers (PHCP) in Abha City regarding Common dermatological problems and correlate their level of knowledge and practice gap with their background characteristics.
Subjects and Methods:Across-sectional study was conducted included all primary health care providers (GPs and Family physicians) in Abha city. A validated selfadministered questionnaire was utilized for data collection. It included questions about socio-demographic characteristics of the participants as well as questions to assess their knowledge, attitude and practice regarding common dermatological problems. Results: The study included 105 primary healthcare physicians with a response rate of 84.7%. Forty percent of them were in the age group 31-40 years whereas 30.5% were in the age group 31-30 years. Almost two-thirds of them (65.7%) were males. More than half of them (59%) were non-Saudi. More than two thirds (69.5%) of primary healthcare physicians had insufficient knowledge regarding common dermatological disorders whereas 21.9% of them had good knowledge and only 4.8% had excellent knowledge. Attending training courses was significantly associated with sufficient knowledge, p=0.003. Lack of guidelines, training, educational materials and time and place were the commonest reported barriers that PHC physicians` face regarding management of dermatological disorders. Conclusions: More than two-thirds of primary health care providers had insufficient knowledge regarding management of common skin disorders. More than half of the PHC physicians strongly agreed that they should have a role in the managing of common dermatological disorders. The commonly reported barriers for that are lack of guidelines and training in dermatology.