Anovel cascade reaction has been developed for the synthesis of 2,6-methanopyrrolo [1,2-b]isoxazoles based on the gold-catalyzed generation of an N-allyloxyazomethine ylide. This reaction involves sequential [3+ +2]/retro-[3+ +2]/[3+ +2] cycloaddition reactions,t hus providing facile access to fused and bridged heterocycles which would be otherwise difficult to prepare using existing synthetic methods.Notably,this reaction allows the efficient construction of three CÀCbonds,one CÀO bond, one CÀNb ond and one CÀHb ond, as well as the cleavage of one CÀCbond, one CÀObond and one CÀHbond in as ingle operation. The intermolecular cycloaddition of an N-allyloxyazomethine ylide and the subsequent application of the product to the synthesis of tropenol is also described. Scheme 1. Cycloadditions cascade of N-alkoxyazomethine ylide.Supportinginformation and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article can be found under: http://dx.