Objective: To identify, in the scienti c literature, the factors associated with the omission of nursing care. Materials and Methods: Integrative review whose bibliographic search was carried out in the months of November 2019 to January 2020, using ve electronic databases: PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus, Web of Science and LILACS. e research question was formulated according to a PICO strategy in which the problem was "omission of care", the phenomenon of interest was "environmental factors" and the context was "nursing care". e inclusion criteria were articles from primary studies, published in English, Portuguese or Spanish and covering the subject under study, which resulted in 30 primary articles. Results: Predictors of the work environment corroborate the presence of factors of omission of nursing care, including inadequate number of sta and resources, work shifts, younger age of sta members, high workload, emotional exhaustion, job dissatisfaction. Conclusion: e environment was found to interfere with nursing care by compromising care. is subject is relevant for the accreditation of services provided by health institutions, as well as for the development and/or better performance of professionals and researchers in the eld of hospital health.