Objective: To evaluate the effects of functional appliance treatment on the oropharyngeal airway volume, airway dimensions, and anteroposterior hyoid bone position of growing Class II patients. Materials and Methods: Twenty Class II white patients (mean age, 11.7 6 1.75 years) treated with the MARA followed by fixed appliances were matched to an untreated control sample by cervical vertebrae maturation stage at pretreatment (T1) and posttreatment (T2) time points. Cone beam computed tomography scans were taken at T1 and T2. Dolphin3D imaging software was used to determine oropharyngeal airway volume, dimensions, and anteroposterior hyoid bone position. Results: Multivariate ANOVA was used to evaluate changes between T1 and T2. Oropharyngeal airway volume, airway dimensions, and A-P position of the hyoid bone increased significantly with functional appliance treatment. SNA and ANB decreased significantly in the experimental group (P # .05). Changes in SNB and Sn-GoGn failed to reach statistical significance. Conclusions: Functional appliance therapy increases oropharyngeal airway volume, airway dimensions, and anteroposterior hyoid bone position in growing patients. (Angle Orthod. 2016;86:955-961.)