In this work we apply the residual-based variational multiscale method (RB-VMS) to the volume-of-fluid (VOF) formulation of free-surface flows. Using this technique we are able to solve such problems in a Large Eddy Simulation framework. This is a natural extension of our Navier-Stokes solver, which uses the RB-VMS finite element formulation, edge-based data structures, adaptive time step control, inexact Newton solvers and supports several parallel programming paradigms. The VOF interface capturing variable is advected using the computed coarse and fine scales velocity field. Thus, the RB-VMS technique can be readily applied to the free-surface solver with minor modifications on the implementation. We apply this technique to the solution of two problems where available data indicate complex free-surface behavior. Results are compared with numerical and experimental data and show that the present formulation can achieve good accuracy with minor impacts on computational efficiency.Keywords Variational multiscale method · Edge-based computations · Volume of fluid · Free surface flows