Communicated by C. Kassel
MSC:Primary: 16E40 19D55 secondary: 18G60 55M20 55U10 81T30 a b s t r a c t Generalizing the work of Doi and of Idrissi, we define a coHochschild homology theory for chain coalgebras over any commutative ring and prove its naturality with respect to morphisms of chain coalgebras up to strong homotopy. As a consequence we obtain that if the comultiplication of a chain coalgebra C is itself a morphism of chain coalgebras up to strong homotopy, then the coHochschild complex H (C) admits a natural comultiplicative structure. In particular, if K is a reduced simplicial set and C * K is its normalized chain complex, then H (C * K ) is naturally a homotopy-coassociative chain coalgebra. We provide a simple, explicit formula for the comultiplication on H (C * K ) when K is a simplicial suspension.The coHochschild complex construction is topologically relevant. Given two simplicial maps g, h : K → L, where K and L are reduced, the homology of the coHochschild complex of C * L with coefficients in C * K is isomorphic to the homology of the homotopy coincidence space of the geometric realizations of g and h, and this isomorphism respects comultiplicative structure. In particular, there is an isomorphism, respecting comultiplicative structure, from the homology of H (C * K ) to H * L|K |, the homology of the free loops on the geometric realization of K .