Uvod:Posle marsupijalizacije velikih viličnih cisti nastaju koštani defekti koji ne garantuju stabilnost krvnog koaguluma i zbog toga se ispunjavaju jodoform gazom. Svaka zamena jodoform gaze, radi toalete rane, prouzrokuje manje ili veće krvarenje, što usporava epitelizaciju i organizaciju rane. Zbog toga se, nekoliko nedelja od operativnog zahvata, preporučuje izrada parcijalne akrilatne opturator proteze. Prikaz slučaja: U ovom radu prikazan je slučaj dva pacijenta kod kojih je izrađena parcijalna akrilatna opturator proteza desetog dana nakon operativnog zahvata. To je omogućilo značajno lakšu toaletu rane, bržu epitelizaciju i organizaciju rane, a samim tim i brže koštano zarastanje. Zaključak: Obnovljene funkcije žvakanja, gutanja i govora, kao i estetski izgled ukazuju na značaj rane izrade akrilatne opturator proteze.
AbstractIntroduction: After marsupialisation of large jaw cysts, there comes to the formation of bone defects which do not guarantee the stability of the blood clot and therefore are filled with iodine gauze. Any replacement of iodine gauze, toilet of the wound, causes minor or major bleeding, which slows wound epithelialisation and organization. Therefore, making the partial acrylic denture obturator is recommended to be done a few weeks after the surgery. Case report: This work presents two patients who had partial acrylic denture obturator made on the tenth day after the surgery. This allowed significantly easier toilet of the wounds, faster epithelialization and organization, and thus faster bone healing. Conclusion: Restored function of chewing, swallowing and speech, as well as the aesthetic appearance suggest that early use of acrylic obturator prosthesis is very significant.