Viable and functionally responsive human thyroid follicular cells, suspended in a commercial polyester acrylate diluted with tripropyleneglycol diacrylate, photoinitiated, and photocatalyzed with a proprietary photocatalytic system based on a synergic mixture of vanadium (V) t-butoxide and i-propoxide, have been immobilized as monolayers onto polystyrene plates. Bioassay of thyrotrophin in immobilized cell cultures yielded, by log-log plot of the dose-response curve, a slope (0.92 2 0.02) in close agreement with that (0.91) reported for cells immobilized by physical adsorption. The decisive role of photocatalyst in the photografting procedure has also been shown experimentally. A mechanism is suggested by which cells are anchored, rapidly and with stable chemical bonds, onto one of the two acrylate functions of the monomer-prepolymer mixture, the other one being simultaneously responsible for photochemical grafting onto the support. 0 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.