If a discrete subset S of a topological group G with the identity 1 generates a dense subgroup of G and S ∪ {1} is closed in G, then S is called a suitable set for G. We apply Michael's selection theorem to offer a direct, self-contained, purely topological proof of the result of Hofmann and Morris [8] on the existence of suitable sets in locally compact groups. Our approach uses only elementary facts from (topological) group theory.All topological groups considered in this paper are assumed to be Hausdorff, and all topological spaces are assumed to be Tychonoff. * MSC Subj. Class.: Primary: 22D05; Secondary: 22A05, 22C05, 54A25, 54B05, 54B35, 54C60, 54C65, 54D30, 54D45, 54H11.