The metabolic serine hydrolase family, is arguably, one of the largest functional enzyme class in mammals, including humans, comprising of 1 -2% of the total proteome. This enzyme family uses a conserved nucleophilic serine residue in the active site to perform diverse hydrolytic reactions, and consists of proteases, lipases, esterases, amidases and transacylases as prototypical members of this family. In humans, this enzyme family consists of >250 members, of which, approximately 40% members remain unannotated, both in terms of their endogenous substrates and the biological pathways that they regulate. The enzyme ABHD14B, an outlying member of this family, is also known as CCG1/TAF II 250-interacting factor B, as it was found associated with the transcription initiation factor TFIID. The crystal structure of human ABHD14B has been solved for over a decade, however its endogenous substrates remain elusive. In this paper, we annotate ABHD14B as a lysine deacetylase (KDAC), showing this enzyme's ability in transferring an acetyl group from a post-translationally acetylated-lysine to coenzyme A (CoA), to yield acetyl-CoA, while re-generating the free amine of protein lysine residues. We validate these findings by in vitro biochemical assays using recombinantly purified human ABHD14B, in conjunction with cellular studies in a mammalian cell line by knocking down ABHD14B and by modeling substrates into the enzyme active site. Finally, we report, the development and characterization of a much needed, exquisitely selective ABHD14B antibody, using which, we