The biochemical features of phenyl- ClPhe + Phe in adult rats to produce a lowered hepatic phenylalanine hydroxylase activity and an elevated blood phenylalanine level without associated tyrosinemia. When rats were treated with this regimen before they were weaned, during the critical first 21 days of life, they showed, during the treatment period, biochemical (3) and electrophysiological (4) abnormalities typical of PKU. Their behavioral abnormalities persisted throughout adult life (5). The present work is directed toward extending the previous investigations of model PKU in rats, especially in the area of permanent learning deficits which result from the early treatment with ClPhe + Phe. Other recent investigations using ClPhe + Phe as a method of PKU production include the behavioral studies of Vorhees et al. (6) and Butcher et al. (7,8) and the biochemical studies of Edwards and Blau (9, 10).
Model phenylketonuria productionThis procedure is identical to that reported previously (5 Activity Measurements. Each subject was introduced into an activity wheel (Lafayette Instrument Company) at 5 p.m. and removed at 8 a.m. the next morning (15 hr). Male subjects were tested first: 16 that had been given saline and 16 that had been given ClPhe + Phe. At the time of their initial activity measurement they ranged in age from 26 to 32 weeks. To test the reproducibility of this activity test, a second test was administered to the males 2 weeks after the first. Females (22 that had been given saline and 31 that had been given ClPhe + Phe) ranged between 32 and 38 weeks of age at the time of activity testing. Their activity measurement was not repeated. No subjects having cataracts were included in any behavioral testing except as noted below.Active Avoidance in a Two-Way Shuttlebox. Males (10 given saline and 10 given ClPhe + Phe) were tested at about 6 months of age; females (7 given saline and 6 given ClPhe + Phe) were tested at about 10 months of age.Active Avoidance Learning with a Right-Left Choice in a Modified Shuttlebox. The two-way shuttlebox was modified for right-left choice experiments in the following way: one side, side A, was left unchanged. The other side, side B, was divided in two to form a right-and left-hand compartment. Testing took place over 4 days. On day 1, the subject was allowed to explore the apparatus for 15 min. On day 2, the subject's right-left preference was determined. On day 3, the animal was trained to choose the side opposite its natural preference. Criterion performance was defined as the number of trials required to make nine consecutive correct choices. Each trial was accomplished as follows: The subject was introduced