Plume rise parameterizations calculate the rise of pollutant plumes due to effluent buoyancy and 15 exit momentum. Some form of these parameterizations are used by most air quality models. In this paper, the performance of the commonly used Briggs plume rise algorithm was extensively evaluated through a comparison of the algorithm's results when driven by meteorological observations with direct observations of plume heights in the Athabasca oil sands region. The observations were carried out as part of the Canada-Alberta Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Plan in 20 August and September of 2013. Wind and temperature data used to drive the algorithm were measured in the region of emissions from various platforms, including two meteorological towers, a radio-acoustic profiler, and a research aircraft. Other meteorological variables used to drive the algorithm include friction velocity, boundary-layer height, and the Obukhov length. Stack emissions and flow parameter information reported by Continuous Emissions Monitoring 25 Systems (CEMS) were used to drive the plume rise algorithm. The calculated plume heights were then compared to interpolated aircraft SO2 measurements, in order to evaluate the algorithm's prediction for plume rise. We demonstrate that the Briggs algorithm, when driven by ambient observations, significantly underestimated plume rise for these sources, with more than a third of the predicted plume heights falling below half the observed values from this 30 analysis. Including the effects of effluent momentum and choosing between different forms of the parameterizations improve results slightly, but there remains an average underestimation between 4 and 21%, depending on the measurement platform used to drive the algorithm. These results are in contrast to numerous plume rise measurement studies published between 1968 and 1993. It is suggested that further investigation using long-term in-situ measurements with 35 currently available technologies is warranted to investigate this discrepancy.Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., https://doi