Cancer cell invasion from primary tumors is mediated by a complex interplay between cellular adhesions, actomyosin-driven contractility, and the physical characteristics of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Here, we incorporate a mechanochemical free-energy-based approach to elucidate how the two-way feedback loop between cell contractility (induced by the activity of chemomechanical interactions such as Ca 2+ and Rho signaling pathways) and matrix fiber realignment and strain stiffening enables the cells to polarize and develop contractile forces to break free from the tumor spheroids and invade into the ECM. Interestingly, through this computational model, we are able to identify a critical stiffness that is required by the matrix to break intercellular adhesions and initiate cell invasion. Also, by considering the kinetics of the cell movement, our model predicts a biphasic invasiveness with respect to the stiffness of the matrix. These predictions are validated by analyzing the invasion of melanoma cells in collagen matrices of varying concentration. Our model also predicts a positive correlation between the elongated morphology of the invading cells and the alignment of fibers in the matrix, suggesting that cell polarization is directly proportional to the stiffness and alignment of the matrix. In contrast, cells in nonfibrous matrices are found to be rounded and not polarized, underscoring the key role played by the nonlinear mechanics of fibrous matrices. Importantly, our model shows that mechanical principles mediated by the contractility of the cells and the nonlinearity of the ECM behavior play a crucial role in determining the phenotype of the cell invasion.cell invasion | cell contractility | matrix realignment | Rho pathway | fibrous matrices C ell invasion into the surrounding matrix from nonvascularized primary tumors is the main mechanism by which cancer cells migrate to nearby blood vessels and metastasize to eventually form secondary tumors. This process is mediated by an intricate intercoupling between intracellular forces (such as cell contractility) and extracellular forces (adhesions and protrusions) that depend on the stiffness of the surrounding stroma and the alignment of matrix fibers. Previous experimental studies have examined the influence of these forces on the migratory behavior of cells during invasion. For example, the comparison between cell contractility in malignant and normal tissues has shown that the cells with malignant phenotype have a higher level of contractility (1-4). This elevated contractility is directly proportional to factors such as the stiffness of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and the fiber realignment (5-7), suggesting that the cross talk between ECM and intracellular contractility mediated by mechanosensory signaling pathways is also implicated in metastasis. Specifically, the activity of Rho, a myosin GTPase that regulates the activity of myosins, is elevated in proportion to the stiffness of the surrounding matrix (1,8,9), and inhibition of Rho-associated ...