Abstract-Circularly arced Koch fractal curve (CAKC) is originally proposed. Then, a novel wire dipole is formed with K i -iterated CAKC. The dipole is experimentally studied for fractal electrical characteristics revealing. It manifests many unique properties, such as multiband resonance at odd times of half-wavelength. In particular, it unprecedentedly presents normal mode (0.5 · λ) and axial mode (1.5 · λ) simultaneously. Thus, K 2 CAKC wire is configured into folded monopole with circular disc ground for omni-directional and directive radiation. Five matched bands (|S 11 | ≤ −10 dB) are obtained within 1 GHz-10 GHz, of which f 1 = 1.31 GHz, f 2 = 3.14 GHz, f 3 = 3.63 GHz, f 4 = 4.65 GHz, and f 5 = 7.71 GHz. Compared with straight wire monopole (0.25 · λ), this fractal monopole shows 31% height reduction. It has dipole-like patterns at f 1 and f 2 , endfire patterns at f 3 and f 4 with high gain (10 dBi), and off-endfire patterns at f 5 . Moreover, the fractal antenna possesses compactness, lightweight, simplicity, and low cost. So, it is an attractive candidate for multiband and multifunction antennas, such as satellite antennas, of which omnidirectional normal mode and directive axial mode are needed for beaconing and communication respectively.