In a previous paper with state space B = {(j,n) : 0 < j < J, 0 < n < N) was described as row-continuous in the sense that the marginal process N(t), indexed by row coordinate n, changed at transition epochs by at most one. In the present paper we restrict our discussion to those row-continuous chains for which the transition rate matrices, vn , vn , describing rates =n =n =n local to row n, are independent of n for each 1 s n -N -1. For n = 0, one has vO = , and for n = N, = °0. Such processes may be described as row-homogenous, row-continuous processes modified by two retaining boundaries, as for earlier similar univariate contexts [ 2].For all such processes the behavior of the bounded process is intimately related to that of the associated row-homogeneous processwith n, vn, n independent of n for all integer n. To obtain the distribution of the process B(t) defined on the state space 8 we first obtain that for the associated row-homogeneous process BH(t) defined on the infinite lattice B H . The latter distribution is the time-dependent Green's function gn(t) defined formally below.Two procedures for finding gn(t) will be developed. The ergodic Green's function -Sn ef o n (t )dt is shown to be finite for all n under simple, intuitive conditions on the row-homogeneous process.
The row-homogeneous row-continuous process BH(t) = [J(t), NH(t)] isdefined on an infinite lattice B H = {(j,n) : 0 < j < J, -X < n <}. The
behavior of B H(t) is governed by three transition rate matrices H', v=H'and vH which define the transitions between the states of a row and the two contiguous rows. Specifically, vH;ij is the hazard rate for transitions from (i,n) to (j, n+l), vH;ij is that from (i,n) to (j,n-l), and vH;ij is that from (i,n) to (j,n). The transition probabilities for the row-homogeneous chain, from (i,O) to (j,n) are the components of the time-dependent matrix Green's function gn(t) = [gij;n(t)]. In particular, we haveWe will call the set {gn(t): -X < n < }1 the time-dependent Green's function for B(t). Because of the row-homogeneity,The generating ij;n-m function g(u,t) = gn(t)un for the two-sided sequence (gnc(t will be of value. Questions of summability and analytic structure have been discussed at length in [6,7].The forward Kolmogorov equations for B H(t) areas the reader may verify from the component equations. Multiplying (1.4)by un and summing we get + =a H is the ergodic probability vector for J(t).Proof: The proof follows directly from (1.3).Although Proposition (1.3) is usefrl for its structural insights, it may also be used for direct calculation of the gn(t) when, for example,= H >> aH so that the cross-products converge quickly.From (1.3) we havewhere ~bkn is the matrix coefficient of u n in [a 0 + uaH + 1The following approach may be used to find
_n(s) = £[gn(t)] = jf e -s t gn(t)dt when the upwards and downwards firstpassage time probability matrices are known. Formally, as in [ 8] we define the first passage times
Def 1.8 (a) sH(t) = [sij(t)], _H(t) = [s.i(t)] (b) a+(s) = £[sH(t)], a (s) = £[sH(t)](c...