Modular graph functions are SL(2, Z)-invariant functions associated with Feynman graphs of a two-dimensional conformal field theory on a torus of modulus τ. For one-loop graphs they reduce to real analytic Eisenstein series. We obtain the Fourier series, including the constant and non-constant Fourier modes, of all two-loop modular graph functions, as well as their Poincaré series with respect to Γ ∞ \PSL(2, Z). The Fourier and Poincaré series provide the tools to compute the Petersson inner product of two-loop modular graph functions using Rankin-Selberg-Zagier methods. Modular graph functions which are odd under τ → −τ are cuspidal functions, with exponential decay near the cusp, and exist starting at two loops. Holomorphic subgraph reduction and the sieve algorithm, developed in earlier work, are used to give a lower bound on the dimension of the space A w of odd two-loop modular graph functions of weight w. For w ≤ 11 the bound is saturated and we exhibit a basis for A w .