Abdul -Rahman et al. in arXiv:1901.09297 [1] provided an elegant approach and proved analytically the existence of a nonzero spectral gap for the AKLT models on the decorated honeycomb lattice (for the number n of spin-1 decorated sites on each original edge no less than 3). We perform calculations for the decorated square lattice and show that the corresponding AKLT models are gapped if n ≥ 4. Combining both results, we also show that a family of decorated hybrid AKLT models, whose underlying lattice is of mixed vertex degrees 3 and 4, are also gapped for n ≥ 4. We develop a numerical approach that extends beyond what was accessible previously. Our numerical results further improve the nonzero gap to n ≥ 2, including the establishment of the gap for n = 2 in the decorated triangular and cubic lattices. The latter case is interesting, as this shows the AKLT states on the decorated cubic lattices are not Néel ordered, in contrast to the state on the un-decorated cubic lattice.