Two dyon-like solutions to the SU(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs system are presented. These solutions are obtained from the BPS dyon solution by allowing the gauge fields to be complex, or by letting the free parameter of the new solution be imaginary. In both cases the measurable quantities connected with these new solutions are real. Although the new solutions are mathematically simple variations of the BPS solution, they have distinct characteristics.
THE DYON SOLUTIONSIn this paper two new infinite-energy dyon-like solutions to the SU(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs equations are given. Although these solutions are simple mathematical variations of the well-known BPS solution (Prasad and Sommerfield, 1975; Bogomolnyi, 1976), they have different physical characteristics, and to our knowledge they have not appeared in the literature before.The system studied in this paper is an SU(2) gauge theory coupled to a scalar field in the triplet representation. The scalar field is taken to have no mass or self-interaction. The Lagrangian for this system is = --l-' l~ra4 ~ I xv~a~rla'v "~ ~(D~ dpa) (D~dpa) ( 1) where G~ is the field strength tensor of the SU(2) gauge fields W~ and D r is the covariant derivative of the scalar field. The equations of motion for this system are simplified through the use of a generalized Wu-Yang ansatz