A graph Γ of even order is a bicirculant if it admits an automorphism with two orbits of equal length. Symmetry properties of bicirculants, for which at least one of the induced subgraphs on the two orbits of the corresponding semiregular automorphism is a cycle, have been studied, at least for the few smallest possible valences. For valences 3, 4 and 5, where the corresponding bicirculants are called generalized Petersen graphs, Rose window graphs and Tabačjn graphs, respectively, all edgetransitive members have been classified. While there are only 7 edge-transitive generalized Petersen graphs and only 3 edge-transitive Tabačjn graphs, infinite families of edge-transitive Rose window graphs exist. The main theme of this paper is the question of the existence of such bicirculants for higher valences. It is proved that infinite families of edge-transitive examples of valence 6 exist and among them infinitely many arc-transitive as well as infinitely many half-arc-transitive members are identified. Moreover, the classification of the ones of valence 6 and girth 3 is given. As a corollary, an infinite family of half-arc-transitive graphs of valence 6 with universal reachability relation, which were thus far not known to exist, is obtained.1 Li [10,16]. Since each edge-transitive Cayley graph of an Abelian group is automatically arc-transitive, this in fact gives a characterization of all edge-transitive circulants.The next best possibility is that the graph admits a semiregular automorphism with two orbits. Such graphs are called bicirculants. Even though we are currently nowhere near such general results on arc-transitive, let alone edge-transitive, bicirculants as the ones from [10,16], some progress has been made. For instance, the automorphism groups of bicirculants, for which the two orbits of the semiregular automorphism are of prime length, are quite well understood [17]. Classification results for arc-transitive bicirculants of small valences have also been obtained. For instance, combining together the results of [6,20,21] one obtains the classification of all cubic arc-transitive bicirculants. Similarly, the classification of tetravalent arc-transitive bicirculants is obtained by combining the results of [11,12,13]. Recently, the classification of pentavalent arc-transitive bicirculants was also obtained [1,2].One of the most important steps in these classifications is the classification of the arc-transitive bicirculants (which for these valences actually coincide with the edge-transitive ones), for which at least one of the induced subgraphs on the two orbits of the corresponding semiregular automorphism is a cycle. The corresponding graphs for valences 3, 4 and 5 are called generalized Petersen graphs, Rose window graphs and Tabačjn graphs, respectively. The edge-transitive members of these three families of graphs were classified in [6], [11] and [2], respectively. It is interesting to note that while there are only 7 edge-transitive generalized Petersen graphs and only 3 edge-transitive Tabačjn graph...