The sodium dependent SLC13 family transporters comprise of the five
genes SLC13A1, SLC13A2 (NaDC1), SLC13A3 (NaDC3), SLC13A4 and SLC13A5
(NaCT). Among them the three NaDC1, NaDC3 and NaCT are sodium dependent
transporters such as di-carboxylates (succinate, malate,
α-ketoglutarate) and tricarboxylates (citrate). The mouse and the human
NaCT structures have still not been crystallized, the information to the
structures is taken from the related bacterial transporter of VcINDY.
Citrate in the cytosol works as precursor for the fatty acid synthesis,
cholesterol, and low-density lipoproteins. The excess citrate from the
matrix is translocated to the cytosol for fatty acid synthesis through
these receptors and thus controls the energy balance by downregulating
the glycolysis, tricarboxylic acid (TCA), and fatty acid breakdown.
These transporters play an important role in regulating various
metabolic diseases including cancer, diabetes, obesity, fatty liver
diseases and CNS disorders. These di and tricarboxylate transporters are
emerging as new targets for metabolic disorders such as obesity and
diabetes. The mutation in the function of the NaCT causes several
neurological diseases including neonatal epilepsy and impaired brain
development whereas mutation of the citrate present in the liver may
provide positive effect. Therefore, continued efforts from the earlier
work on citrate transporter are required for the development of citrate
inhibitors. In this review the structure, function, and regulation of
the NaCT receptors are discussed. The review also highlights citrate
role in diagnosing diseases such as cancer, diabetes, fatty liver, and
diabetes. The therapeutic perspective of synthetic inhibitors against
NaCT receptors are succinctly summarized.