Purpose: The purpose of this narrative review is to summarize the evidence derived from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) regarding approaches and techniques for lower extremity nerve blocks.Source: Using the MEDLINE (January 1966 to April 2007 and EMBASE (January 1980 to April 2007 databases, medical subject heading (MeSH) terms "lumbosacral plexus", "femoral nerve", "obturator nerve", "saphenous nerve", "sciatic nerve", "peroneal nerve" and "tibial nerve" were searched and combined with the MESH term "nerve block" using the operator "and". Keywords "lumbar plexus", "psoas compartment", "psoas sheath", "sacral plexus", "fascia iliaca", "three-in-one", "3-in-1", "lateral femoral cutaneous", "posterior femoral cutaneous", "ankle" and "ankle block" were also queried and combined with the MESH term "nerve block". The search was limited to RCTs involving human subjects and published in the English language. Forty-six RCTs were identified.
Principal findings:Compared to its anterior counterpart (3-in-1 block), the posterior approach to the lumbar plexus is more reliable when anesthesia of the obturator nerve is required. The fascia iliaca compartment block may also represent a better alternative than the 3-in-1 block because of improved efficacy and efficiency (quicker performance time, lower cost). For blockade of the sciatic nerve, the classic transgluteal approach constitutes a reliable method. Due to a potentially shorter time for sciatic nerve electrolocation and catheter placement than for the transgluteal approach, the subgluteal approach should also be considered. Compared to electrolocation of the peroneal nerve, electrostimulation of the tibial nerve may offer a higher success rate especially with the transgluteal and lateral popliteal approaches. Furthermore, when performing sciatic and femoral blocks with low volumes of local anesthetics, a multiple-injection technique should be used. MeSH « nerve block » à l'aide de l'opérateur « and ». Les mots clés « lumbar plexus », « psoas compartment », « psoas sheath », « sacral plexus », « fascia iliaca », « lateral
Objectif : L'objectif de cet examen narratif est de résumer les données probantes dérivées d'études randomisées contrôlées (ERC) concernant les approches et techniques pour les blocs nerveux du membre inférieur.
Source : A l'aide des bases de données MEDLINE (janvier 1966 à avril 2007) et EMBASE (janvier 1980 à avril 2007), les termes MeSH (vedette-matière médicale) « lumbosacral plexus », « femoral nerve », « obturator nerve », « saphenous nerve », « sciatic nerve », « peroneal nerve » et « tibial nerve » ont été recherchés et combinés au terme