Background: Diabetes Mellitus is a common metabolic disorder and which is prevalent among many people in India. Although there are many factors which influence the onset of diabetes, the relationship between built environment and psycho-social factors is one such factor which play a crucial role for the onset of diabetes. Hence, in this research, the authors try to make a comparative study between built environment and psychosocial factors by using multilayer feed-forward neural networks using back propagation and Modified Feed-Forward Neural Network Constructive (MFNNC)algorithm.
Material and MethodsIn this research, we tried to compare the performance of two individual neural networks, one is an MLP with backpropagation algorithm and the other is also an MLP with a constructive algorithm known as multilayer feed forward neural network constructive (MFNNC) algorithm. For using an MLP with back-propagation algorithm prior knowledge of neural network architecture is necessary for proper training and testing the network. Usually, trial and error method is used to predict the exact architecture of the network. Hence, in this connection we have proposed a constructive algorithm called multilayer feed-forward neural network constructive algorithm (MFNNC) with which one can predict the exact architecture of the network along with predictive capability. The MFNNC algorithm starts with one hidden neuron in the hidden layer and gradually increases the hidden neurons in the hidden layer if the error generated by the network is more than the value given in the interactive mode or the error is the same for three consecutive examples. The performances of the MLP with back-propagation algorithm and the other with MFNNC algorithm were compared and tested.
ResultsMales who are having lesser primary activity (PMA) have more food intake(FI) and more basic mobility (BMB) than their female counterparts. Males who are having more activity by health(ABH), have more professional activity(PRA), almost the same rest (RES) values, more food intake (FI) and have more basic mobility (BMB) compared to their female counter parts. Males who are having more professional activity (PRA) have lesser leisure (LEI) values, almost the same rest (RES) values, more food intake (FI), more basic mobility (BMB), when compared to their female counterparts.Males who are having similar leisure (LEI) have the same rest (RES), when compared to their female counterparts.
ConclusionWe have developed two prototype models using neural networks one is an MLP with back propagation algorithm and other one is a feed forward neural network with MFNNC algorithm. We have observed that both the networks have performed well in assessing the parameters for the onset of diabetes by giving the inputs as biological and biographical variables and by considering error values of both of the networks. It is also observed that, using the MFNNC algorithm is better if one wants to know the architecture of the trained network rather than just using MLP with back propagation a...