Pattern reversal visual evoked potentials (VEPs) with checks of 50' and 12' were recorded in 15 patients with idiopathic unilateral macular hole. VEPs from the affected eyes were reduced in amplitude compared with those from the fellow eyes, especially with checks of 12' (percentage of the amplitude in the affected eye to that in the fellow eye was 86% +/- 19% with checks of 50' and 61% +/- 35% with checks of 12'). The latencies showed no statistically significant difference between the affected and the fellow eyes, although a marked interocular delay was found in a few patients. The degree of amplitude reduction and interocular delay had no relation to the size of the macular hole or visual acuity. The effects of experimental scotomata of various sizes on the VEPs, which were evaluated in nine normal subjects, were also variable among the subjects. We conclude that although the macula predominantly participates in the pattern VEP, an estimation of the extent of macular pathology from the VEP changes may be difficult because the VEP changes induced by a macular hole have wide individual variation and have no relation to the size of the hole.