“…We found an incidence of 27% anemia, 22% malpresentations, 16% preterm labour, 15% pregnancy induced hypertension,10% intrauterine deaths, 6% PROM, 3% placenta previa, 1% abruption and 1% antepartum eclampsia in our patients. Rajgire AA et al (9) found in their study that about 31.4% of cases of polyhydramnios had complications like malpresentation (6.6%), preterm labour (5%), premature rupture of membrane (s5%), eclampsia( 5%), placenta previa (3.3%), and 3.3% patients developed postpartum haemorrhage. Least common were cord prolapse and placental abruption (1.6%) Gita Guin et al (10) found that the incidence of malpresentation was 13.3%, cord prolapse (11.1%) and PPH (4.4%) In their study, Sudha Chourasia et al (11) found that the common complications were preterm labour (16.3%) followed by PROM (3.7%) abruption placentae (2.9%) and PPH (2.9%) In our study 53% of patients were managed conservatively.…”