The present article summarises the specialised literature related to foundation of logopaedics and the key stages of its development in Bulgaria. Five main stages in development have been identified: the first "pseudo-medical" period, the second period marked by first individual steps, the third period of formative years (<1900-1945), the processing period , and the contemporary transition period (1989-present). Challenges from a Global European Union Perspective are also described and analysed. Students training in the field of logopaedics as well as research and international collaboration are an essential part of the article. It could be said that the history of the discipline and education in logopaedics in Bulgaria is a relatively young yet dynamic and growing field.Human communication and its disorders have been studied around the world for millennia. Scientists, philosophers, and others have explored the origins of human language since ancient times. It has only been in the last century that the field has become formalised into a scientific discipline. The present article is summarising key developments in the field in Bulgaria. The intent is to pay attention to important advances in other parts of the world and try to understand how communication disorders have been interpreted.Speech language therapy (SLT), known as logopaedics in certain European countries including Bulgaria, is an internationally respected profession much to the credit of clinicians and researchers who continuously aim to improve quality of life for individuals with communication and swallowing disorders.