Background: In India, Breast cancer is the most common cancer in female and hormone receptor status is an important prognostic and therapeutic tool in the management of breast cancer. So this study was done with the aim to evaluate the hormone receptor status in patients with operable breast cancer at a Regional Cancer Centre in Northeast India. Methodology: This study is a retrospective case series study on 180 cases of operable breast cancer who were registered at Regional Cancer Centre, Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Manipur State after histopathological confirmation during the period from September 2015 to August 2018 and patients were reviewed for age, tumour size and metastatic lymph nodes positivity, histopathology, grading, hormone receptor status, staging and menstrual status. Results: Overall 180 patients was studied and evaluated for hormone receptor status. 90 cases (50.0%) were both ER-/PR-, 66 cases (36.7%) were both ER+/PR+, 14 cases (7.8%) were ER+ and 10 other cases (5.5%) were only PR+. The mean age of presentation was 52.6 ± 0.82 yrs and the number of patients reaches a peak between 31 -50 years (59.4%). Maximum patients were found to be in poor socio-economic class. Invasive duct carcinoma (96.1%) was predominant histology. Majority of the cases (84.5%) had grade-III tumour. 17.8% of total patients presented in In Northeast India, incidence rate of breast cancer among younger age group has been increasing and more patients were ER/PR negative. Maximum numbers of grade-III tumour were found to be ER/PR negative and as the tumour size increased, ER/PR negativity also increased.