3D-stacked processor-memory systems stack memory (DRAM banks) directly on top of logic (CPU cores) using chiplet-on-chiplet packaging technology to provide the next-level computing performance in embedded platforms. Stacking, however, severely increases the system’s power density without any accompanying increase in the heat dissipation capacity. Consequently, 3D-stacked processor-memory systems suffer more severe thermal issues than their non-stacked counterparts. Nevertheless, 3D-stacked processor-memory systems do inherit power (thermal) management knobs from their non-stacked predecessors - namely Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) for cores and Low Power Mode (LPM) for memory banks. In the context of 3D-stacked processor-memory systems, DVFS and LPM are performance- and power-wise deeply intertwined. Their non-unified independent use on 3D-stacked processor-memory systems results in sub-optimal thermal management. The unified use of DVFS and LPM for thermal management for 3D-stacked processor-memory systems remains unexplored. The lack of implementation of LPM in thermal simulators for 3D-stacked processor-memory systems hinders real-world representative evaluation for a unified approach.
We extend the state-of-the-art interval thermal simulator for 3D-stacked processor-memory systems
with an LPM power management knob for memory banks. We also propose a learning-based thermal management technique for 3D-stacked processor-memory systems that employ DVFS and LPM in a unified manner. Detailed interval thermal simulations with the extended
framework show a 10.15% average response time improvement with the
benchmark suites, along with widely-used Deep Neural Network (DNN) workloads against a state-of-the-art thermal management technique for 2.5D processor-memory systems (ported directly to 3D-stacked processor-memory systems) that also proposes unified use of DVFS and LPM.