Smart well technologies, which allow remote control of well and production processes, make the problem of determining optimal control strategies a timely endeavour. In this paper, we use numerical optimization algorithms and a multiscale approach in order to find an optimal well management strategy over the life of the reservoir. Optimality is measured in terms of the values of the net present value objective function. The large number of well rates for each control step make the optimization problem more difficult and at a high risk of achieving a suboptimal solution. Moreover, the optimal number of adjustments is not known a priori. Adjusting well controls too frequently will increase unnecessary well management and operation cost, and an excessively low number of control adjustments may not be enough to obtain a good yield. We investigate three derivative-free optimization algorithms, chosen for their robust and parallel nature, to determine optimal well control strategies. The algorithms chosen include generalized pattern search (GPS), particle swarm optimiza-CMA-ES, within the multiscale approach are considered.Keywords Well Control · Production Optimization · Derivative-Free Algorithms · Multiscale Approach rithms can be broadly placed in two categories: derivativebased algorithms and derivative-free algorithms [25].Derivative-based or gradient-based algorithms, take advantage of the gradient information to guide their search. This type of algorithm, commonly used in well control optimization, includes steepest ascent [42], conjugate gradient [2], and sequential quadratic programming methods [25]. Gradients of the objective function may be calculated by using an adjoint equation. This is an invasive approach, requiring a detailed knowledge of mathematics inside the reservoir simulator [25,8]. Other ways to approximate the gradients include methods such as finite difference perturbation [2], or the simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation [42]. These algorithms assume a certain degree of smoothness of the objective function with respect to the optimization variables. Derivative-based algorithms are potentially very quick to converge but sometimes fall into local optimal.Derivative-free algorithms can be subdivided into local search methods and global search methods. Local derivative-free algorithms include generalized pattern search (GPS) [23], mesh adaptive direct search (MADS) [25], Hooke-Jeeves direct search (HJDS) [25], ensemble-based optimization (EnOpt) [32], covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy (CMA-ES) [7,31], and so on. These methods have strong ability to find accurate optima in a local space, but may face with some difficulties in finding global optima, especially when a good initial guess is not available. Global derivativefree algorithms search through the entire space and provide techniques to avoid being trapped in local optima. Examples of global search algorithms include genetic algorithms (GAs) [3], particle swarm optimization (PSO) [26], and differential evolution (DE)...