Direct measurements of the spin glass correlation function G(R) for Gaussian and bimodal Ising spin glasses in dimension two have been carried out in the temperature region T ∼ 1. In the Gaussian case the data are consistent with the known anomalous dimension value η ≡ 0. For the bimodal spin glass in this temperature region T > T * (L), well above the crossover T * (L) to the ground state dominated regime, the effective exponent η is clearly non-zero and the data are consistent with the estimate η ∼ 0.28(4) given by McMillan in 1983 from similar measurements. Measurements of the temperature dependence of the Binder cumulant U4(T, L) and the normalized correlation length ξ(T, L)/L for the two models confirms the conclusion that the 2D bimodal model has a non-zero effective η both below and above T * (L). The 2D bimodal and Gaussian interaction distribution Ising spin glasses are not in the same Universality class.