Benzoyl-CoA reductase (BCR) from the bacterium Thauera aromatica catalyzes the two-electron reduction of benzoyl-CoA (BCoA) to a nonaromatic cyclic diene. In a process analogous to enzymatic nitrogen reduction, BCR couples the electron transfer to the aromatic ring to a stoichiometric hydrolysis of 2 ATP͞2e ؊ . Reduced but not oxidized BCR hydrolyzes ATP to ADP. In this work, purified BCR was shown to catalyze an isotope exchange from [ 14 C]ADP to [ 14 C]ATP, which was Ϸ15% of the ATPase activity in the presence of equimolar amounts of ADP and ATP. In accordance, BCR (␣␥␦-composition) autophosphorylated its ␥-subunit when incubated with [␥-32 P]ATP. Formation of the enzyme-phosphate was independent of the redox state, whereas only dithionitereduced BCR catalyzed a dephosphorylation associated with the ATPase activity. This finding suggests that the ATPase-and autophosphatase-partial activities of BCR exhibit identical redox dependencies. BCoA or the nonphysiological electron-accepting substrate hydroxylamine stimulated the redox-dependent effects; the rates of both the overall ATPase and the autophosphatase activities of reduced BCR were increased 6-fold. In contrast, BCoA and hydroxylamine had no effect on oxidized and phosphorylated BCR. The reactivity of the phosphoamino acid fits best with a phosphoamidate or acylphosphate linkage. The results obtained suggest a mechanism of ATP hydrolysis-driven electron transfer, which differs from that of nitrogenase by the transient formation of a phosphorylated enzyme.B enzoyl-CoA (BCoA) is a central intermediate in the metabolism of many aromatic compounds in anaerobic bacteria. This compound becomes reduced by benzoyl-CoA reductase (BCR), a key enzyme in anaerobic aromatic metabolism (1, 2). It catalyzes the reductive dearomatization of BCoA to cyclohexa-1,5-diene-1-carbonyl-CoA ( Fig. 1; ref. 3). In this reaction, the hydrolysis of two ATP to ADP and Pi is stoichiometrically coupled to the transfer of two single electrons from reduced ferredoxin to the aromatic substrate. Notably, BCR also catalyzes the ATP-dependent reduction of the nonphysiological substrate hydroxylamine (2). The stoichiometric coupling of ATP hydrolysis to an electron transfer process has long been considered as a unique feature of nitrogenases (4, 5). However, there are no amino acid sequence similarities between BCR and nitrogenases.The reduction of the aromatic ring is a mechanistically and energetically difficult process that in organic synthesis requires solvated electrons, which are generated by dissolving alkali metals in liquid ammonia. In a so-called Birch mechanism, the reduction of the aromatic ring proceeds in single electron and proton transfer steps by means of radical intermediates (6). A similar mechanism has been proposed for enzymatic benzene ring reduction (7). The crucial step is the first electron transfer to the aromatic ring yielding a nonaromatic radical anion, which requires a redox potential of Ϫ1.9 V (3). BCR overcomes this high redox barrier by coupling a stoichiomet...