Award #: N00014-92-J-1576 and N00014-01-1-0543
LONG-TERM GOALThe specific long-term goal of this project is to provide the Navy with greatly improved information about the characteristics of both natural and man-made radio noise and signals in the ELF/VLF bands (frequencies in the range 10 Hz to 32 kHz), with the object of improving the Navy's ELF/VLF radio communications.
SCIENTIFIC OBJECTIVESThe project has two related scientific objectives. The first objective is to improve knowledge of the sources of radio noise in the ELF/VLF band; the second is to improve knowledge of the propagation of ELF/VLF radio noise and man-made signals in the earth's environment, i.e., in the earth-ionosphere waveguide, in the magnetosphere, in the sea, and in the earth's crust.