We establish size limitations for assembling structures of controlled size and shape out of colloidal particles with short-ranged interactions. Through simulations we show that structures with highly variable shapes made out of dozens of particles can form with high yield, as long as each particle in the structure binds only to the particles in their local environment. To understand this, we identify the excited states that compete with the ground-state structure and demonstrate that these excited states have a completely topological characterization, valid when the interparticle interactions are short-ranged. This allows complete enumeration of the energy landscape and gives bounds on how large a colloidal structure can assemble with high yield. For large structures the yield can be significant, even with hundreds of particles.assembly | DNA-coated particles | local minima | short-ranged interactions N ature uses hierarchical assembly of complicated building blocks to make highly functional structures such as biomolecules, virus shells, and microtubules without any external influence and with high fidelity. Mimicking this would not only give more insight into biological mechanisms but would also help realize the dream of "bottom-up" assembly that has been a central theme of nanotechnology for many decades (1).As in biology, the information needed for assembling arbitrary macroscopic structures can be stored in the building blocks through the design of their interactions and interaction rules. Over the years great advances have been made by synthesizing new building blocks differing in geometry, composition, and interactions (2-10), allowing for study of more complex objects. However, basic rules necessary for robust and efficient assembly of a desired structure in a scalable fashion and reasonable time scales are still not understood. A number of schemes for approaching this "inverse" statistical mechanics problem have been proposed (11-13), but a general framework and systematic studies are still missing. One of the essential underlying questions, having both practical and conceptual impact, is whether any desired macroscopic structure can be assembled with a high yield, out of a given set of building blocks. Or are there fundamental constraints limiting the structures that can be effectively built?In this paper we address these general questions using the model system of DNA-coated particles, itself of considerable recent interest. We consider an isolated system of N spherical colloidal particles, each of which is isotropically coated with DNA strands to control interparticle interactions. At the colloidal scale, such interactions have a range that is much shorter than the size of the particles. The use of DNA labeling to control binding specificity was originally pioneered for assembling nanoparticles (14-17) into infinite crystals (18-24), where recently it was demonstrated that with two species with differing particle radii and DNA linker length a zoo of different crystal morphologies can be created (25). ...