Operations on the cohomology of spaces are important tools enhancing the descriptive power of this computable invariant. For cohomology with mod 2 coefficients, Steenrod squares are the most significant of these operations. Their effective computation relies on a cup-i construction, a structure on (co)chains which is important in its own right, having connections to, among others, lattice field theory, convex geometry and higher category theory. In this article we present new formulas defining a cup-i construction, and use them to introduce a fast algorithm for the computation of Steenrod squares on the cohomology of simplicial complexes.
Contents1. Introduction 2.1. Chain complexes 2.2. Group actions 2.3. Simplicial topology 3. Cup-i products and Steenrod squares 4. New formulas for cup-i products 5. New algorithm for Steenrod squares 6. Performance comparison 7. Proof of Lemma 9 8. Secondary operations References