We conducted a meta-analysis, identifying 152 published studies, of which 12 met rigorous inclusion criteria. We analyzed the 12 studies for the effects of tutoring according to the type, focus, and amount of tutoring; the number, age, and language background of students; and the quality of the research. Despite variability, these studies suggest benefits, notably for cross-age tutoring, reading, and small tutoring programs of lengthy duration.
PROdIGueR du TuTORAT eN lITTéRATuRe Aux AdOleSceNTS :uNe MéTA-ANAlySe RÉSUMÉ. Qu'est-ce que la recherche nous apprend sur le tutorat en littératie auprès des adolescents? Nous avons mené une méta-analyse, relevant 152 études publiées, parmi lesquelles 12 rencontraient des critères rigoureux d'inclusion. Nous avons donc analysé ces 12 études, examinant les effets du tutorat non seulement selon son type, ses objectifs et sa quantité mais également selon le nombre, l'âge et le profil langagier des élèves. La qualité des travaux de recherche a aussi été prise en considération. Ainsi, malgré une certaine variabilité, ses études suggèrent des bénéfices aux initiatives de tutorat, particulièrement le tutorat inter-âge, les programmes de lecture et les programmes de taille modeste, de longue durée.Among the many forms of mentoring, one-to-one tutoring may be the most longstanding, conventional, and widely practiced supplement to traditional classroom-based education (Fashola, 2001;Shanahan, 1998). Much research has investigated the benefits of tutoring, particularly for reading but also other school subjects, during the initial years of schooling. Numerous reviews and meta-analyses have synthesized the research on tutoring in elementary schools, establishing clearly its effectiveness: most recently, Ritter, Barnett, Denny and Albin (2009) but also D' Agostino and Murphy (2004), Elbaum, Vaughn, Hughes andMoody (2000), Shanahan (1998), Topping andHill (1995) and Wasik (1998). As the National Reading Panel (2000) in the U.S. concluded, early intervention is more effective than remediation later in school. So educators have sought ways to identify young students at risk when there is still time to provide them focused, relevant interventions. Tutoring is generally considered among the most powerful forms of intervention, particularly for increasing the reading achievement of students at risk for academic failure (Burns, Senesec, & Symington, 2004;Elbaum et al., 2000;Harmon, Keehn, & Kenney, 2004;Wasik & Slavin, 1993). As Baker, Gerten, and Keating (2000) observed, "even the best instructional environments for first graders in a public school setting, with one expert teacher responsible for teaching 20-30 students, cannot match the educational intensity of a one-to-one interaction (p. 494)."Not even small group instruction is as effective as one-on-one tutoring. Ehri, Dreyer, Flugman, and Gross (2007), for example, showed that one-on-one tutoring, rather than small group instruction, was more effective for teaching reading to struggling readers because tutoring allowed instruction t...