Neutral atom arrays are a rapidly developing platform for quantum science. In this work, we demonstrate a universal set of quantum gate operations on a new type of neutral atom qubit: a nuclear spin in an alkaline earth-like atom (AEA), 171 Yb. We present techniques for cooling, trapping and imaging using a newly discovered magic trapping wavelength at λ = 486.78 nm. We implement qubit initialization, readout, and single-qubit gates, and observe long qubit lifetimes, T1 ≈ 20 s and T * 2 = 1.24(5) s, and a single-qubit operation fidelity F1Q = 0.99959(6). We also demonstrate two-qubit entangling gates using the Rydberg blockade, as well as coherent control of these gate operations using light shifts on the Yb + ion core transition at 369 nm. These results are a significant step towards highly coherent quantum gates in AEA tweezer arrays.