Let Σ := Γ \H be a finite volume hyperbolic surface. We associate to any Γ -invariant positive crossratio defined on a dense subset of ∂H a canonical geodesic current µ. This produces a Liouville current µ ρ for every maximal framed representation ρ : Γ → Sp(2n, F) for a real closed field F, which we prove being a weighted multicurve as soon as the field generated by matrix coefficients of ρ has discrete valuation. When µ is a measured lamination, for every Γ -action on a metric space X admitting a compatible barycenter, we construct an isometric embedding in X of the R-tree T(µ) associated to µ. This applies, for instance, to the ρ(Γ )-action on a natural metric space associated to Sp(2n, F).