The purpose of this paper is to discriminate fake interference caused by polygonal approximation so as to achieve accurate assembly sequence planning and assembly simulation.
An approximation zone model is proposed to formulate polygonal approximation. Fake interference is discriminated from hard interference by evaluating if polygonal models intersect within corresponding approximation zones. To reduce the computation, the surface-surface, surface-end face and end face-end face intersection test methods have been developed to evaluate the intersection and obtain collision data. An updated collision detection algorithm with this method is presented, which is implemented by a system named AutoAssem.
This method has been applied to a set of products such as a valve for assembly interference matrix generation, static and dynamic collision detection. The results show that it ensures the accuracy of assembly sequence planning and assembly simulation for polygonal models.
Practical implications
This method facilitates assembly design in the virtual environment with polygonal models. It can also be applied to computer aided design systems to achieve quick and accurate collision detection.
Fake interference between polygonal models may result in serious errors in assembly sequence planning and assembly simulation. Assembly zone model and novel polygon intersection verification methods have been proposed to effectively tackle this problem. Compared to current methods, this method considers valid penetration direction and approximation difference, does not need to process complicated auxiliary data and can be easily integrated with current collision detection methods.